Poly Rose
Santa Clara
Burnt Water
6 1/4"
H x 4 1/2" D
Polly Rose Folwell Quah-eh
(Little Rain) Santa Clara Publo. Polly is the granddaughter to
Rose Naranjo; daughter of Jody Folwell; sister of Susan Folwell
and Pual Folwell; mother of Jody Sue Folwell Lazaro. She is also
the mother of potter Kaa Folwell.
Polly Rose was trained in
pottery making by her mother, Jody. Her mother's influence is
strong. Both artists engrave, incise and paint bold designs on
buffware. Polly's work is innovative in technique and powerful
in content. She is following a new path with courage and strength
of conviction.
Polly has created a variety
of traditional and contemporary pieces of pottery over the years.
She has won numerous awards for her work at Santa Fe Indian Market,
the Heard Museum Market and Gallup Ceremonials.
Reference: Pueblo Indian Pottery:
750 Artist Biographies by Gregory Schaaf.