Florence Aragon

Mini Parrot Olla

4" H x 4 1/2" D

Florence Aragon was born into the Acoma pueblo on May 31, 1929. She is the daughter of Lupe Aragon, and was taught the art of traditional Acoma pottery making by her mother. She is also the mother of John F. Aragon - another noted Acoma potter.

She is well known for her traditional Acoma pottery, like this incredible Mimbres influenced olla - which designs are sometimes referred to as fertility designs.

Florence as won awards at Santa Fe Indian Market, Gallup Indian Ceremonial, and the New Mexico State Fair. She has been making pottery for over 30 years.

Florence declares, "I like all the parts of my work, from forming the pots to painting the designs and then selling them."

She signs her work: F. Aragon, Acoma N.M.

Photo of the artist

Gallery Price: $297.00


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