Alvin James
Buffalo Dancer
15" total
The Buffalo Dancer is actually
not a Kachina, but one of the star social dancers. He is usually
seen in the month of January, particularly in the kiva dances
on Second Mesa. He is said to be an import from the Rio Grande
Pueblos, since they regularly traded for buffalo skins with the
Plains Indians.
Alvin was born May 7, 1936
at the Hopi Village of Old Oraibi, Arizona. He was a forerunner
in carving fine, all wood kachinas and sculptures. The life-like
features made his kachinas unique. He started carving as a small
boy, but it wasn't until he got out of the military that he took
a real interest in carving.
Today he is remembered as
one of the foremost pioneers of modern kachina carving. His work
has been represented in nearly every major publication on kachina
carvings and is shown in major museums and collections around
the world.